When a tooth has been lost, the adjacent teeth can be prepared for a bridge. The bridge is made to fit over the prepared adjacent teeth and fills the space of the missing tooth exactly with a porcelain tooth.

Debris accumulates between the teeth. If not removed, bacteria will develop, and plaque will form. Use a gentle rocking motion to get the floss between your teeth. When the floss reached your gumline, curve it into a C shape against the tooth and gently move it up, this will dislodge the plaque.

The effects of gum disease can lower the gumline. This will in turn expose the dentine of the root which contains the tubules leading directly to the nerve. Hot, cold and sometimes sweet foods can cause pain. A special paste is available that can be applied to provide some relief from this condition.

Wisdom Teeth
It is very common for a wisdom tooth to become impacted due to the shape of the back jaw. In some extreme cases some bone may need removed to gain access the tooth split and the roots removed separately. The gum is replaced and heals naturally.

Gum Disease
When a healthy tooth has plaque build-up around it, the gum will become inflamed and red. This can be reversed with plaque removal and regular flossing. However, if the plaque is not removed the gum and bone may begin to recede. This is irreversible and the tooth may become mobile.

White Inlay
The broken or decayed tooth is prepared. An Inlay is made and fitted to the tooth. White, Gold or silver inlays are available.

Posterior Crown
A tooth located toward the back of the mouth is prepared by having some outer tooth surface removed, a crown is cemented over the prepared tooth.

Root Treatment
When a filled or decayed tooth gets an abscess the filling will be removed to access the cavity. The root canals are reamed to remove the tooth nerves. Gutta-perchas are inserted to fill the root. These are then cut-off, sealed and the tooth is filled. The abscess will reduce. A crown may be necessary later […]

Mouth Rinse
Plaque build-up can lead to inflamed gums. A mouth rinse can help by removing the plaque and reducing inflammation.

Fissure Sealants
Tiny cracks appear in back teeth as they grow, and food particles can become lodged in these. Fissure sealant is applied in droplet form. The sealant is hardened using a bright light, this stops food particles from becoming trapped and protects against tooth decay.