Smartfire – Clinical Furnace


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VITA vPad excellence

VITA Vacuum Pump


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VITA SMART.FIRE is a firing unit developed specifically for dental practices for the crystallization, glaze, stain, and corrective firing of all common chairside materials. Selecting the materials and starting the program are done in just one step. Optimally, customized material-specific programs are already pre-installed for simple firing. Thanks to its compact design, the firing unit can be set up easily and saves space in every practice.

In order to offer a wide range of chairside CAD/CAM materials in everyday practice, a small furnace is essential for dental technology steps. Materials such as VITA SUPRINITY PC and IPS e.max CAD can be put through final crystallization while the patient waits, or VITABLOCS, IPS Empress CAD and Celtra Duo can be individually stained and glazed. In this segment of furnaces, VITA VITA Zahnfabrik offers the VITA SMART.FIRE.