Full Onlay
Depending on the extent of the repair required, sometimes the full top surface of the tooth is removed. A Full Onlay is then produced to replace the biting surface.

Decay – Interproximal
Teeth have a hard enamel surface. But poor oral hygiene can lead to a build-up of plaque which can lead to decay. If decay is left untreated the nerve of the tooth may become infected and die. This may cause an abscess. Interproximal decay refers to decay that is positioned on the surface between the […]

Decay – Occlusal
Teeth have a hard enamel surface. But poor oral hygiene can lead to a build-up of plaque which can lead to decay. If decay is left untreated the nerve of the tooth may become infected and die. This may cause an abscess. Occlusal decay refers to decay that is positioned on the biting surface of […]

Thumb Sucking
Thumb sucking can have a detrimental effect on children’s teeth. Over time the top teeth can be pulled forward and the bottom teeth pushed back. When this has occurred orthodontic treatment will be needed.

Anti-Snoring – Male
Snoring can occur when the Soft Pallet relaxes and restricts the airflow, the Soft Pallet vibrates, causing the ‘snore’. The Epiglottis may also restrict the airflow and may even cause ‘Sleep Apnoea’. The Silensor (an anti-snoring device) when positioned and adjusted brings the lower soft tissue forward and stops the soft palate from being able […]

Implant Maintenance
Following the placement of an implant it is important to keep the surrounding area clean. Use a 45-degree angle as the standard brushing technique. Use plastic coated interdental brushes for safe effective plaque removal. Tightly floss approximal surfaces and implants. Ensure all surfaces are clean and adapt floss/tape for teeth and gums.

Fibre Post with Net
A large tooth may need to be root-treated and crowned. If there is insufficient tooth left to secure the crown, the root canals can be filled with fibre bridge material. This is hardened with a bright light and then placed back in position. The other root canals are filled in the same way. As the […]

Implant Cleaning
When not cleaned accurately, acute marginal inflammation can occur. To reduce this inflammation, use extra soft filaments for the affected area. Use a standard brushing technique gently but effectively to remove debris. Develop a daily interdental cleaning routine with the extra soft range to remove plaque comfortably and effectively. By following the described cleaning procedure […]

Occlusal Splint
When teeth have been grinded (bruxism) from side to side the teeth can become worn down and chipped or damaged. This often occurs whilst we sleep, clenching is also common whilst sleeping. Clenching also tenses the jaw muscles and creates impact within the skull which may cause pain and headaches. An Occlusal Splint can be […]

Tooth Jewellery (with face)
Tooth Jewellery is ‘stuck’ to the tooth. The glue is hardened using a bright light. Jewellery may be removed without damage.