Flexible dentures

MediFlex dentures are nylon based flexible dentures. These are made in pink nylon, with other shades available if requested.
Suitable for patients that’s require a smaller appliance.
How many steps
Traditional case
- Bite & Special Tray – What to send: upper and lower primary alginate impression and completed lab prescription form.
- Try In – What to send: secondary alginate impression and bite record and completed lab prescription form.
- Finish – What to send: send wax try in back and any additional impressions requested and completed lab prescription form.
Or - Straight to Finish – What to send: Very good upper and lower alginate impressions, bite and completed lab prescription form.
Please note if the impression is not good enough but you wish we do straight to finish, you will be charged for any remakes. For more information refer to our terms and conditions.
Digital case
The model is printed from scan and the denture is manufactured in the traditional way.
- Straight to Finish – What to send: Upper and lower scan impressions and completed lab prescription form.
Digital extras:
- 3D Printed models
- Convert to stl file
Reline / Rebase
What to send for Full Denture: Take impression with wash material inside denture and over denture impression.
What to send for Partial Denture: Take impression of the mouth only.
Other Denture extras
- Bite (doric wax bite block)
- Special Tray (light cure resin tray with holes)
- Try in (produced in pink wax with acrylic teeth)
- Metal strengtheners/Mesh
- Ball end clasp
- Transparent clasp
- Wire anchor
- Repair Acrylic denture
- Soft lining acrylic dentures
- Tooth addition to acrylic denture
- Repair MediFlex
- Relining and rebasing MediFlex
- Tooth addition to MediFlex denture
- Bite on frame
- Composite teeth on frame
- Welding on frame